The ITO ES-160 is the latest most advanced 6 channel electro-acupuncture device from Japan. Compact, attractive, lightweight, sturdy, and desk size. Provides 8 stimulation modes, saves 5 previous treatment parameters, and incorporates 16 programmable memory settin Three LCD displays (0.6" x 1.4" and 0.6" x 1.1") show point search sensitivity, frequency (Hz), pulse width (µs), program modes, memory data, treatment time (minutes), and battery life. The hand probe includes a search-to-treat push button selector on the probe itself. Point location is indicated on the LCD display and is regulated with the sensitivity dial. Also allows measurement and storage of Ryodororaku points (6, 12, or 21 volts). Safety features include self-test, zero start, automatic power-off if unit is left unused for 5 minutes, sound on/off function, emergency stop button, tone signaling end of treatment, and high/low (H/L) switch on side of unit. Accessories include search/stimulation probe, 6 electrode cords (assorted colors), 12 alligator clip-on (6 red/6 black), and operation manual. Does not include batteries. Note: Replacement wires and alligator clips are sold separately.