1. BIOFREEZE® Professional Pain Reliever Roll-on
BIOFREEZE® Professional Pain Reliever Roll-on
BIOFREEZE® Professional Pain Reliever Roll-on

BIOFREEZE® Professional Pain Reliever Roll-on

On sale: $12.99 $6.49
Part Number: BioFreezeRollon
Availability: Out of Stock.
The brand most trusted and recommended by healthcare professionals to treat sore muscles, strains, sprains, and joint discomfort. Biofreeze Pain Reliever breaks the cycle of pain with Cryotherapy, The Cold Method. Its cold application reduces the sensation of pain and inflammation, while the cold and re-warming stimulates the healing of tissue.

Works great for both in-clinic and at-home use. Apply generously in pre and post-treatment to further enhance your level of care. Biofreeze helps you and your patients manage their pain, improve strength and restore function to re-establish a normal lifestyle. Specially formulated for hands-on health professionals for use or sale to their patients, clients, or athletes under their care.